B. Selanjutnya saudara diminta menjawab dengan cara memilih salah satu kolom yang paling sesuai degan kondisi yang sebenarnya.
Terdapat empat pilihan jawaban pada setiap pertanyaan yaitu:
1 = tidak baik
2 = kurang baik
3 = baik
4 = baik sekali
Next, please fill the question with choosing one of the number according to factual condition.
There are four answer in every question:
1 = not good
2 = good enough
3 = good
4 = very good
C. Kritik dan Saran
Critism and Suggestions
In your opinion, what are the benefits gained by collaborating at Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta?
In your opinion, what needs to be improved in terms of cooperation services at Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta?
We kindly ask you to provide input regarding management services for better future sustainability: